Girl playing a guitar in a fieldGirl playing a guitar in a field

Discharge is your body’s way of maintaining a healthy pH balance and a good bacterial mix in your vagina.

It’s like your body’s first line of defence against infection. You may notice that at times your discharge is more watery, and other times it is more stretchy and mucous-y, kind of like an egg white. You may be wondering why this variation happens and what prompts it.

The consistency of your discharge will change based on the hormonal balance in your body. This means that things like puberty, pregnancy, and menopause will affect the amount and consistency of the discharge your body produces. Where you are in your menstrual cycle also affects discharge, sometimes making it watery. You are likely to experience watery discharge after your period. As your oestrogen levels change and you approach ovulation, your discharge will become more mucous-y. Many women also experience watery discharge during and after sex. This is normal and healthy.

If you are experiencing watery discharge and itching, you may have an infection, like bacterial vaginosis or thrush. See your doctor for an examination and treatment. Typically, this can be easily treated with medication. But as long as there is no pain or itching accompanying your watery discharge, there is normally no cause for concern. Heavy watery discharge can make some women feel self-conscious. The good news is that there is an easy – and comfortable! – solution. Always Dailies pantyliners help you feel fresh throughout your day as they absorb your discharge. They come in a range of absorbencies, so you can choose just the right liner for you.

Always Dailies is on a mission to bust common myths around vaginal discharge. In fact, vaginal discharge is totally normal and happens to all of us women. Why make it a taboo topic? We want to provide you with all the information you need and ask for. In case you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us under 0080077634434 or 08000285884 (UK), 1800509203 (IRE).